Inkwell Garden Plan

Oh, it’s so exciting! We have a final plan drafted for our community garden at Inkwell! It was very much through group discussion and in collaboration with Maxine Nelson the designer, everyone’s ideas were listened to and included.

So, we finally have something solid to work towards, and what a magnificent plan it is! Fact is, we don’t have all the money to make this plan happen all at once. Some of it involves major construction work, but if we take it in bite-size chunks we’ll get there in no time.

The plan includes the focal to the garden – an all important stage for music performances. Perfect for Mayday, or theatre groups, even doubling up as an outdoor watercolour workshop space for our service users and the community. Individual gardens run along the right side providing everybody space to enjoy some quiet time, dream up ideas, discuss their next masterpiece or chat amongst friends. A formal garden, wildflower garden, sensual garden and veggie plots to help sustain our small vegetarian cafe and a safe play area for children. An extension to the current patio area is one of the bigger jobs and disabled access down into the main garden area is an absolute must.

As far as getting creative, I am excited about the mosaic garden. This part will have a lot of input from the resident artists, where we can create something colourful and magnificent. Now do we go Gaudi style or something a little more muted and pebbly? It will be a really fun group project to do on a warm summers day (and in true Inkwell style, involve lots of  tea breaks!)

There’s going to be a lot of digging, planting and good old fashioned good spirit!

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