Doodling is therapy

I am just hooked on doodling at the moment. With my headphones on, iPod playing, I just get into a zone. The pliers and paintbrushes have been put to one side for now and my item of choice are definitely ink pens. I need more ink pens – it surprising how each one is so different. Some inks seem to bleed on the paper while others give a crisp fine line. I remember, when I was a teenager I had some Rotring pens, now they were amazing. Unfortunately with years of not using them the nibs dried and blocked. I think a set of those will be on my next shopping list.

The drawing is so therapeutic and mesmerizing. Every so often I feel myself needing to come up for air! I don’t know if it’s just me but I sometimes hold my breath when drawing intricately. I wonder do other people do that?

This was my first intricate doodle…..this fella kept me up till 4 am. Funnily, as soon as I was up this morning, the first thing I reached for (other than a cup of tea and a cigarette) was the sketch pad and pen. It’s so addictive!


This is one I have just finished…..

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